'cute face'
So tonight was hard on Jer and I. Kayla obviously didn't want to go 'night night' .. which is a normal thing... but she eventually comes to terms with it, and picks up Dolly and asks "carry me". But tonight, she wanted to carry these stupid pretend CD's that go to her music toy.. and I said 'no'... HOW DARE I?!!? Ugh- she cried hysterically, and then of course started her gagging thing- meaning she was going to vomit... (see mary I remembered not to use the word puke hehe) And she did a little- but it was just saliva.. I think. But the only way to get her to stop and calm down was to give back her fake CD's..
She is getting pretty spoiled at the moment- she is still supposed to be considered in recovery- and her papers to go home say no strenuous activity- well isn't crying hysterically considered strenuous?? Don't you need that dang diaphragm for that? ugh.. it's so hard!! Don't get me wrong, she really is doing much better. She is way more herself- still not totally Kayla- haven't seen her run... or spin, or be completely crazy- and she doesn't like her shirt to come off.. or show off her belly! :( I'm trying to make her boo boo cool- but she's not having it.
We have no other choice, we must spoil the poo out of her to make sure she stays calm.. which is SOOOO hard... bc when she is totally fine, it's going to be that much harder!! On the plus side- I thought I was going to have to re-train her to go on the potty- but she has not regressed at all. She only wet several diapers one day at the hospital. Ever since, she has gone on the potty.. and she's pooped every day w/o Miralax.. it may be a once a week thing? We haven't figured it out yet- but we don't want her to get backed up again. :(
playing with Lily- We'd tell her to make Lily laugh- and all she had to do was look at Lily and Lily would bust out laughing.. it was sooo cute.. and of course Kayla thought she was the bomb diggity! :)
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