Kayla just had her 4 month check up/shot appt. I hate shot days.. they make me so nervous! Like I'm not stressed out enough.. !!
Well Kayla didn't seem to mind the dr's office.. we got there, and waited and waited, she was fine... then we got into the room, and waited, and waited... finally she got hungry! Thank god we were smart and brought our "quick and easy" supply of pre-made 24 cal formula. She drank two oz!! and fell asleep.. her schedule was all screwed up. So once she fell asleep the nurse came in and wanted to weigh her.. go figure! Well Kayla weighed 13lbs 1oz 24in... yay! She is at the very tippy top of the 25th-50th percentile of weight and height.
Then our dr came in and let me ask a TON of question and told me how to start rice cereal with a spoon!! :) Kayla's first experience with a spoon was not great.. she let me put it in her mouth several times, spit everything out as I put in, and then started crying. The second attempt a couple hours later, she let me put the spoon in her mouth and she actually started sucking on it... and took some of the rice cereal with formula in. YAY! It was cute.. :) I know I'm a little ahead of the game... seeing how she is just under 4mo... but I really want her to get some solids to help with reflux.. so the label on the rice cereal says- good for babies who can sit up with support... bingo! I'm game! :) It even says she can do 1st foods- which I will wait until she gets the hang of the spoon first.
July 15 is soon approaching... i was nervous that my co-workers, family and friends would forget to send out their letters and envelopes... so I sent out an evite:
This was to remind everyone to send out the blue envelopes and email Oprah! :) Charlie and Kayla make such a cute couple, how could they resist sending them out!