Kayla does have another x-ray in April. Unfortunately after this appt we may not see our surgeon any more. :( He is retiring. It's very sad for us because we absolutely love Kayla's surgeon. Not too many people can do what he does so we will be sad to lose him. I'm sure he won't have anyone less than perfect to take over though.
However I'm sure he will be glad he won't have to see Kayla again as she is AWFUL at the doc's office. She cries the second they whip out their stethoscope.. and won't stop crying until they are walking out the door and she is all of a sudden a-ok and says "bye, cya!" I tell ya, it's gotta be hard for the docs to listen to her lungs with all that dang screaming and crying she does!! ugh!!
Here are some pics of our trip down to Syracuse and back..
x-ray time- this wasn't soo bad
This one was worse, but def not as bad as that bike seat thing!
happy now that it's all over, and she is looking for daddy's beard.. :)
reading her piggies book (i think this was on the way down)
We stopped at Babies-r-us to get her a potty and let her ride this thing..:)
she was very tired on the way home.. :)